Title and Description of your website is very very important part of your website.In this topic we will discus about Title and Description of website.
What is Title?
Full name of short name of your website is called your website title.Your website will be famous by just your website title.For example before reading a book OR before buying a book every one see the name of book.This name of book is called title of book.Title tells about which type of content you can read in this book.Same as website title tells which type of content people can read in this website.So it's very important for every website.
What is Description?
The small couple of words that describe about your website that which kind of content this website have is call description of website.These words not be more that 140 characters.Description also an very important part of Search Engine Optimization.
How to set Title and Description of Website?
In any type of website Syntax of title remains same.Edit website html and copy the following codes and paste below the <head> section for title.
<title>Your Website Title Max Four words</title>
<title>Your Website Title Max Four words</title>
And for description setting you have to copy following codes and paste below the title tag,
<meta name='description' content='Your website Description Max 140 words'>
Always choose title according to your website content.For example your website is for SEO Tutorials then you must choose the name related with SEO Tutorials.
Your website description not be more than 140 characters and completely describe your website in few words.Title and descriptions are important for search engine indexing and ranking.
- Title should not be more than 4 words and should be cover your main topic.It's identity of your website.
- Description should not be more than 140 words and should be summarize your website in few words.
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